Many of you will recall the case of Kristen Lindsey, the so-called veterinarian who shot a neighborhood cat, Tiger, in the head with a bow and arrow and then bragged about her kill on social media. That was back in 2015. Some three years later and after numerous appeals, Kristen Lindsey has lost both of her cases in a Texas court. While it can’t bring poor Tiger back – at least she is being held (somewhat) accountable for her actions.
Our friends at Alley Cat Allies wrote a nice piece talking about the latest developments.
Kristen Lindsey Loses Both Cases in Texas Court
The Texas Supreme Court has requested a full brief on the merits of the Kristen Lindsey case. This means the justices decided Lindsey’s petition to appeal the restrictions on her veterinary license is worthy of additional scrutiny. Lindsey’s brief is due Dec. 17.
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