Would you consider putting a provision in your will to care for your cats should you become too infirmed or old to care for them yourself? Some pet owners in the UK have done just that thanks to the Lincolnshire Trust for Cats.
It’s a retirement home dedicated to mostly senior cats that have found themselves homeless because their owners have either passed away or are too old or ill to care for them. Instead, these fortunate felines get to live their lives out in a nice home with other cats with all of the comforts of a regular home.

Retired cats relaxing in the sun room
The retirement home for cats is run by Jain Hills and while she claims that she is actually a dog lover, she currently manages over 400 cats – with 80 of them living out their nine lives and the others who are in need of homes. The facility, which sits on seven acres of land, has three sitting rooms for the cats that are south-facing, is great for sun-bathing. They also have an operating room and isolation room on premises. The facility is staffed 24 hours a day.
To qualify, owners must make a provision in their trust or will for their cat. An entrance fee of eight hundred fifty pounds applies and then the trust pays all other expenses. What do you think? Would you make arrangements for your cat to go to a home or facility like this in the event you could no longer care for them? Have you considered setting up a pet trust?