We all know how much cats love to chase the infamous red dot, right? Well,Brazilian physicists have figured out how to trap and bend laser light into intricate shapes, producing the impressive photorealistic image of a cat pictured in the article below.
Among other potential applications of this technology, their method-described in a recent paper posted to the physics arXiv-could prove useful for building better optical traps to create clouds of ultra-cold atoms for a variety of quantum experiments.(By the way, I have no idea what that means!!)
Check out the story below from arstechnica – see the images and if you can understand what they’re talking about – you get a gold star for the day!
Scientists bent frickin' laser beams to create this detailed image of a cat
Every cat owner knows how their feline companions delight in chasing a tiny pinpoint of light from a simple laser pointer. Now, Brazilian physicists have figured out how to trap and bend laser light into intricate shapes, producing the impressive photorealistic image of a cat pictured above.