It turns out, it's pretty lucatrive to be a celebrity cat (or at least the owner of a celebrity cat). Many celebrity cats are earning five-figure incomes based on YouTube videos... If you're Grumpy...
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It turns out, it's pretty lucatrive to be a celebrity cat (or at least the owner of a celebrity cat). Many celebrity cats are earning five-figure incomes based on YouTube videos... If you're Grumpy...
You can find Liza Is A Lazy Cat on Tumblr
The following story was written by my dear friend and cat-enthusiast, Jenna H from Los Angeles, California. Having known Jenna for nearly twenty years now, she is not one to take "no" for an answer...
You can find Liza Is A Lazy Cat on Tumblr:
If cat's took selfies... this might be the outcome.
Never leave your cat unattended with string/yarn/ribbon! It can be very dangerous, especially if your cat swallows it (and they do!) Only play with parental supervision, and then remove the...
Cats are extremely limber and some have called them contortionists... I wonder if the origins of Yoga was inspired by cats...?
Poor little Cupid took the wrong flight path over the kitty... poor Cupid.
The following is a guest post from a friend of The Catnip Times, Lee Gunnell. He is a prolific author/writer and appreciator of cats, so naturally, I think he's pretty cool. I hope you enjoy his...
This is Sunny... she loves birdies!! Here you can see sunny demonstrating the universal cat birdie...
You give your cat everything - the best food, filtered water, a snuggly bed and hundreds of toys....
It's Sweetest Day! It's yet another excuse to show your cats some extra love (as if we need an...
Are you the proud parent of a rescue cat? FitCat Publishing is looking for stories of rescued...