We all know this story...one about two cats grooming one another. One cat is loving and licking the other cat's ears, until things go wrong and the licking turns into love bites and a kitty...
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We all know this story...one about two cats grooming one another. One cat is loving and licking the other cat's ears, until things go wrong and the licking turns into love bites and a kitty...
Does your cat wake you up? Has your cat trained you to get up when it wants to be fed? These cats are quite persistent... this behavior is not so bad during the weekday, but not so good on...
Have you ever caught your cat in the act of some bad behavior and seen the guilty, albeit cute-guilty look their face?? It's impossible to be mad at them... Watch this hilarious video of kitty cats...
Watch this incredible video where a cat, very proudly carries a chipmunk in its mouth. When the cat drops the chipmunk, the poor little chipmunk escapes, a little dazed...but then goes back to let...
Cats really are the most considerate pets - they are always looking out for our well-being....just watch and see for yourself!
Watch little Ralphee the kitten discover a cardboard box for the first time!
This young girl set up a camera to capture her cat doing this. My absolute favorite part is at :39 into the video... this cat is so funny...enjoy! My cat actually does this to me too - Rocket. He...
A variation on the famous Pavlov's Dog experiment. This cat is so smart!
Viewer Submission of his cat attacking his back massager. Cats are so fierce when they're afraid... what a cutie!! Poor little guy doesn't know what it is!
While his name is Marshmallow (or Chamallow in French), his name should really be Houdini because this cat is an escape artist! Marshmallow was being kept in a veterinary clinic in Marseille,...
In another "Day in the Life of Your Cats" episode by Dan Greenberger and Jeffrey Williams - watch as boys scheme to get Sarah's chicken.
This kitty is quite resourceful...his real name is Dusty. He's known in the neighborhood as "Clepto".
Well, I learned a new term today: Bro Cat. In case you hadn't heard, it's a cat that gives "high...
While certainly not new, it's a timeless classic that if you're like me, you can see over and over...
Watch in amazement as Kido, the little white kitty, plays the cup game and guesses which cup the...
Kodi is the so-called "neediest cat in the world" however, I beg to differ. Cats are so often...