Thank you to everyone who participated in the Photo Caption Contest! I will be verifying the winner in the next day or two and if there are any issues, the first runner up will be selected and so on. Congratulations on winning an awesome Cat Hampurr! The winner will be one of the first to experience this new service designed just for cats and the people who love them!
THIRD Runner Up: “Caterwauling?!? Just you wait until you see us on Britain’s Got Talent, Simon LOVED us!!”
SECOND Runner Up: “Maybe, if we stay like this, he’ll get the clue!”
FIRST Runner Up: “We think our song will be purrrrfect for the next X Factor Simon Cowell.”
WINNER: “The humans want us to call that strange slobbering creature over there brother. Really I am shocked by the flippancy of it all… Come on Ted, we know where we aren’t wanted!!”