“Inside The Mind of a Cat” is a quick (67 minute) family-friendly documentary film directed by Andy Mitchell that takes a look at new research that has given behaviorists and cat people new insights into how their furry friends behave.
Through interviews with behavior specialists, pet therapists, and people like the owners of the Savitsky Cats, a group of trained performance cats that made the quarterfinals of America’s Got Talent, we see that cats are not the inscrutable, aloof pets that non-cat people have come to believe they are.
The Savitsky Cats: Super Trained Cats Perform Exciting Routine - America's Got Talent 2018
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Putting dog-like expectations on cats has been a mistake humans have done for a very long time and the fact is, they are just as intelligent as dogs – but they’re cats, not dogs. Cats are still trainable for those with a lot of love and patience. Cats do things on their own time and of their own will.
The movie is great for the young and old alike. While many seasoned cat people won’t find any surprises, it’s still entertaining to watch and learn about cats.
For a more in-depth review see the article below from decider.com
Stream It Or Skip It: ‘Inside The Mind Of A Cat’ On Netflix, A Family-Friendly Documentary About New Research Into Cat Behavior
Inside The Mind Of A Cat is a quick (67 minute), family-friendly documentary directed by Andy Mitchell that takes a look at new research that has given behaviorists and cat people new insights into how their little furry friends behave.
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